Terms & Conditions
General Terms and Conditions of Sale
These General Conditions apply to all agreements which Koppert enters into, with the exception of purchasing agreements. These General Conditions also apply to all of Koppert’s offers and work performed by Koppert. These General Conditions also apply to all Advice and Services provided by Koppert. (art. 2.1)
General Conditions for using this website
Koppert hereby allows you access to www.koppert.com, on which it publishes text, images and other materials for information purposes.
By allowing yourself access to this website you agree to these General Conditions. If you do not agree to these General Conditions, you should cease to visit or use this website. In addition, you confirm that you will not hold Koppert liable for any consequences relating to the information, recommendations, and/or advice contained on this website.
The information contained on www.Koppert.com is without obligation and does not constitute a legally-binding offer to enter into a contract.
Whilst this website has been produced with great care, Koppert does not give any guarantee, explicit or implied, that the information (including, but not limited to, images, product descriptions, and advice) contained, or referred to, on this website is complete, up to date, accurate, and suitable for the purposes for which the user of the website uses this information.
Insofar as permitted by law, Koppert (including its associated companies, company officers, and employees) hereby excludes any liability for:
any loss of whatever kind, direct or indirect, caused by and/or arising from the use of the website or another website linked to this website;
loss to computer hardware and software, viruses and other problems, and/or loss of time due to the use of this website.
loss due to certain information on the website being incorrect, incomplete, or out of date.
The website may include references (for example, by means of a hyperlink, banner, or button) to other sites concerned with a specific aspect of this website. This does not automatically mean that Koppert is tied to, or the owner of, these other sites, and is therefore no responsible for these sites or the information contained thereon.
Koppert reserves the exclusive right to amend the content or remove parts thereof at any time without the requirement to give notice. Koppert cannot be held liable for any consequences of such changes.
This website contains references to products. Some products are not available in all countries. Any such reference does not imply that Koppert markets a particular product in a particular country or intends to do so.
Intellectual property
Copyright, and all other intellectual property rights, pertaining to the entire content of this website, including all texts, images, graphics, audio-, video-, or animation-files, website design, lay-out, and manner of representation of the site vest exclusively in Koppert and its associate third parties, unless specified otherwise.
The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, or processed for commercial purposes, nor may any content be copied to another website, without prior written consent. This website does not confer permission to use the intellectual property of Koppert or of third parties.
Nothing on this website may be copied, or published by means of print, photocopy, microfilm, digital copy, or any other means, without the prior written consent of Koppert.
You may print or download a part of the website onto your hard disc or distribute it to other parties provided that this is done purely for information purposes. If you are given permission to publish an image, then the publication must always credit the source: Copyright Koppert. All rights reserved.
Privacy statement
During a visit to this website personal data and other data may be stored in the form of cookies. Koppert reserves the right to store this data and to use it in its statistical data and on other data carriers. The use of personal data is governed by the privacy statement and cookie statement of Koppert. It is recommended that you read these documents carefully before you supply Koppert with your personal data.